Tax Assessor
The Tax Assessor is responsible for the valuation of property in the Borough of Midland Park. This includes any improvements that are made to the property each year. Improvements are valued either through review of building plans or by a physical inspection made by the Tax Assessor. These physical inspections are usually made without prior appointments when weather permits. An "Added Assessment" for the improvement is placed on the property and payable to the Tax Collector on November 1st each year.
Each property owner has the right to appeal the assessed value of their property each year by filing a tax appeal. Forms are available at the Bergen County Board of Taxation, Two Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601. Only assessed values can be appealed and not the amount of taxes paid. Taxes are based on the budgets of the County, School and Municipality. Before filing a tax appeal the property owner should first speak with the Tax Assessor and if at that time they still do not agree with the assessment, then an appeal can be filed with the County. Properties that are assessed over $1,000,000 can appeal directly to the State.
For Local Real Property Tax Relief Programs available to Senior Citizens, Veterans and the Disabled in the State of New Jersey click here.
Name | Title | Phone | |
Neil Rubenstein
| Tax Assessor | 551-600-8294 |